Szállítókocsik, kerekek és berendezések értékesítése és gyártása sikeres vállalatok belső logisztikájához!


The consumer (individual) has the right to notify the company at within 14 days of receiving the goods that they are withdrawing from the contract, without having to state a reason for their decision. The period starts on the day after the date of receiving the goods. The only cost borne by the consumer in relation to withdrawing from the contract is the cost of returning the goods. The goods must be returned to the seller no later than 30 days after the message about the withdrawal from the contract (purchase) has been sent.
The consumer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract in the case of contracts for goods that have been made according to the consumer's specific instructions, that have been customized to their personal needs, or that are not suitable for return due to their nature.

The received goods must be returned undamaged and in the same quantity, unless the goods have been destroyed, damaged, lost, or their quantity has been reduced without the fault of the consumer.
The consumer must not use the goods unrestrictedly until the withdrawal from the contract. The consumer may inspect and test the goods to the extent necessary to determine their actual condition. Any testing of the goods beyond this scope is considered to be the use of the goods, which means that the consumer loses the right to withdraw from the contract.
In the case of withdrawal from a contract where a bonus, discount code, or promotional code has been used, these funds are considered as a discount and are not refunded to the user. Only the paid amount will be refunded to the user's bank account.

The refund of payments made will be carried out as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days from receiving the message about the withdrawal from the contract. For the purpose of ensuring certainty, accuracy, and timeliness of the refund, as well as ensuring a record of payments, the refund will be made exclusively by transfer to the user's transaction account.
Returning the received goods to the company within the withdrawal period is considered a notice of withdrawal from the contract.

The right to a refund, guarantee, material defects, and incorrectly performed services is regulated in more detail by the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (unofficial consolidated version).

Analitika sütik
Ezeket a weboldal-elemzéseket rögzítik és adatokkal szolgálnak a jobb felhasználói élmény biztosítása érdekében.
Közösségi média sütik
Az egyes oldalak és a közösségi hálózatok tartalmának megosztására szolgáló pluginekhez szükséges sütik.
Sütik a kommunikációhoz az oldalon
A sütik lehetővé teszik, hogy átszúrja, kapcsolatba léphessen és kommunikáljon az oldalon található kommunikációs plugin segítségével.
Sütik reklám számára
So namenjeni targetiranemu oglaševanju glede na pretekle uporabnikove aktvinosti na drugih straneh.
Mik a sütik?
A webhely látogatásával és használatával hozzájárul a sütik használatához és rögzítéséhez.Rendben További információ a sütikről